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Lockdown Literacy
Encouraging your child to write is an important way to support their development both academically and as a person. As research indicates writing enables young people to express...

Year 12 Drama Students Return
Mr Knowles was delighted to see the return of all our year 12 drama students who returned to school for a 2 hour drama session this week. They decided that after months of working...

Learning Support Update
Dear all our Parents and Carers, We are slowly returning to a new kind of normal and it is lovely to see our wonderful school buzzing with small groups of students again. We have...

Arts Challenge Update: Year 7 Focus
Usually at this time of year in the arts faculty we would be finishing off end of year assessments; moderating the high quality GCSE and A-level art work and finalising...

The Silver Reading Award goes to…
It has been a delight for me, during these strange times, to receive students’ Reading Award work and see what they’ve been reading – I have certainly added a few books to...

Exciting Changes in Dance
The Dance Department have been making a few changes, ready to put into practice in the next academic year. New Units! Myself and Miss Dolan have introduced new unit topics into...

An Update from the Anti-bullying Ambassadors
As we near the end of the academic school year we can reflect on the many achievements of the anti-bullying ambassadors. Although they were unable to fulfill all their plans they...

Humanities and Social Sciences Faculty Resume Lessons
After an eight week period of physical distance, Year 12 students were able to enjoy their first face-to-face lesson with their humanities and social sciences teachers last week. ...

English Faculty Presents: Bad Hair Day?
Most of us have been having a fair few of those since the lockdown began, both literal and metaphorical. Like many idioms, the origin is uncertain, although it seems to be one of...