World Bee Day
May 20th is recognised as World Bee Day. From pollinating our crops to producing honey, bees give us many of the foods we love. But did you know…? They’re vital for...
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May 20th is recognised as World Bee Day. From pollinating our crops to producing honey, bees give us many of the foods we love. But did you know…? They’re vital for...
Posted by Jack Sylvester
On Tuesday 23rd May students that were successful in their applications to be Mental Health Champions spend the day in training. The day entailed sessions on recognising their own...
Posted by Tracy Greenwood
Inspirational Assembly – Mrs Cooper On Wednesday 24th May year 7 and 8 students were treated to an inspirational assembly led by former...
Posted by Sarah Cooper
Logan 12W Logan is always a hard working and conscientious student, who is highly regarded by his teachers. However, this week he has gone above and beyond using his own...
Posted by Giles Monks
Posted by Maryam Razavi
Six of our best kart drivers travelled to Greenwich for the regional finals of the British Schools Karting Championship. With a bigger track and faster karts, their driving skills...
Posted by David Chalkley
Every lunchtime in G2 ‘Our Space’ welcomes students from all years to come to mix and mingle whilst enjoying their lunch. The aim of the club is to encourage students to interact...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
ASH – Mr Burley It has been a privilege to watch the students across Ash House build connections that cross the boundaries of year groups and their usual friendship groups...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Posted by Danielle Bowe
On the 25th of January 2024, Year 11 and a few Year 10 GCSE students went to see ‘The Doctors Show’ at Abbey Theatre in St Albans. We learnt about progression and regression of...
So after an uneventful journey to Falcade in Italy we arrive and Mr Harris immediately slips on the ice in a comical cartoon leg flailing way. Luckily no one was harmed and after...