Year 13 Law Students Aim For Success

Year 13 Law Students Aim For Success

Stephanie Knowles
Stephanie Knowles
Year 13 Law Students Aim For Success

As we move closer towards examination season, the Year 13 law class are beginning to focus upon revision and honing key skills that have been learnt and refined over the course.  

Just like the year 11s, year 13 law students enjoy a number of bespoke interventions so that by June, all students feel ready and are ready to achieve their very best.

Students are reminded of the most effective learning methods:

As the most effective learning method is teaching others, the class have begun taking one lesson a week. Students, in pairs, prepare a revision lesson on a topic and deliver this to the class.  This is something all students do and each pair tries to outdo each other in preparing the very best lesson.


Another key intervention is Learning Study Groups.  Each student is assigned a group and a meeting time to study together during the week.  Again, it works on the principles of teaching each other but also encourages discussion – another key learning technique.


Alongside this, the class continues to learn new topics – but by now is starting to make links, not only to topics studied earlier in the course, but also real life.  For example, the class are currently studying Article 8 of the European Convention of Human Rights, which is the right to private life, family, home and correspondence.  The Scottish debate on gender rights has links well and provided students with a firm basis for their evaluations, as has media disclosures and even police disclosures of the private lives of individuals.


Students, of course, learn most not from getting things right but from learning from their mistakes.  To this end, responding to feedback given so students experience their learning is another key to success which forms an essential part of the expectations for law students.


Early next term, the course content will have been completed and all the learning will turn to revision.  Exciting times for year 13 law students.  

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