Y7 football enthusiasts enjoying new facilities.

Y7 football enthusiasts enjoying new facilities.

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Y7 football enthusiasts enjoying new...

The sun was definitely shining on Wednesday morning this week as we welcomed back the children of keyworkers unable to remain at home and our more vulnerable students after the recent half term break. Against a backdrop of a beautiful blue sky, it was great to see our small contingent of Year 7 football enthusiasts playing on the newly laid astro turf at the rear of E Block early in the morning before CDC time. Where there was once a rather muddy patch of grass in their Year 7 Zone, there are now two large expanses of brand new astro turf for them to play on.

This was a significant cost to the school but a necessary Covid-19 adaptation that needed to be made and testimony to the excellent financial management of Miss Coombs, our hard working Business Manager across the Trust and Mr Campion the BSJT Site Manager who oversaw the project over the last few months.

Sebastian and James pictured here were full of smiles, glad to be back in school and certainly gave their ‘seal of approval’ to the newly enhanced Year 7 Zone!

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