Pastoral Update

Pastoral Update

Helen Blowers
Helen Blowers
Pastoral Update

Despite all the challenges we have faced during the last year the Pastoral Team remain incredibly proud of the year groups we manage. The resilience and ability to adapt to new ways of doing things have been testament to our outstanding students. This week we have seen the next stage in our delivery of online learning and once again the vast majority of students have logged on each day to their lessons and worked to the best of their abilities. We know that you are all doing your best in difficult times but we would like to remind you that your wellbeing is also important. It has been particularly difficult during this lockdown as we can only leave our homes for restricted reasons and the weather is very different from the first lockdown, but we hope you are all getting out at least once a day for some fresh air and exercise. We are all looking forward to a time when life returns to some normality and with this in mind take a look at the following idea to increase your positivity and look to the future with hope.

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