An Excellent Dialogue of Marking and Feedback to Support Great Progress

An Excellent Dialogue of Marking and Feedback to Support Great Progress

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
An Excellent Dialogue of Marking and...
At Bushey Meads we take marking and feedback very seriously and work hard together to ensure our ongoing dialogue of feedback supports students to make very good progress in their learning. It was a joy to visit a number of English classrooms earlier this week and see an excellent dialogue of feedback between the teachers and the students emerging and the impact on progress it was clearly having.
There was great use of green pen marking which was identifying next steps for the student to make and then purple pen responses made by the students as they improved their work further.
There was also evidence of high engagement with the marking and feedback process with students commenting and thanking the teachers for their thoughtful comments which was nice to see. Green Peer Assessment stickers were used and students themselves were providing clear next steps for their fellow students to take. Books were also very neat and well looked after –  it was great to see such a positive start to the learning journey.

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