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Yr10 Art PPE

Yr10 Art PPE

Sam Cole
Sam Cole
Yr10 Art PPE
On Monday 8th and Tuesday 9th July, the year 10 GCSE Art classes took on their first ever art PPE. This was a huge challenge as we have all gone back to their original project of Identity, and they have designed and produced Grayson Perry inspired clay coil pots.
The students really loved working with the material and have all produced beautifully intricate and detailed designs. Some have really managed to master the refined skills needed when using clay.
The clay pots will now need to dry out entirely before being put into the kiln for firing (a process that could take a couple of weeks based on how thick some of their pots are!).
Once fired, the pots will then be painted and should then give a really good, clear visual representation of each student and their own identities.

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