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Year 9 Textiles Update

Year 9 Textiles Update

Niralee Pattni
Niralee Pattni
Year 9 Textiles Update

Since January, Year 9 has been working on ‘Project Festival’ in textiles!

They have been tasked with researching and designing a product that could be used or worn at a Festival.

The project involves lots of GCSE style tasks and so gives our year 9 students a real flavour of what is to come if they select textiles as a GCSE.

Unfortunately due to the lockdown, the most enjoyable part (the practical) was out on hold, but since returning to school, Year 9 have been creating some wonderful tie-dye t-shirts and will be enhancing them further, with their very own screen printed designs next week!

Have a look at some of their fantastic work so far!

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