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Year 7 First day at Bushey Meads School

Year 7 First day at Bushey Meads School

Daniel Mitman
Daniel Mitman
Year 7 First day at Bushey Meads School

On Tuesday 5th September 2023 Bushey Meads School welcomed our new cohort of year 7 students.  For many year 7 students , the first day at school can be both an exciting and apprehensive experience as they step into a new environment, filled with new teachers, classmates and classrooms. 

Throughout the day the students took part in various activities such as ice breaker sessions, presenting their summer projects and ‘’Me Capsule”, touring the school and getting to know their Character Development Coaches.  All students participated fully in all of the activities on offer, designed to promote our ethos of respect, relationships and responsibility – core values that we strive to instil in all of our students. 


We are especially proud of the start that everyone has made this year, with many staff members and teachers commenting on what a great first impression they have all made. 

We hope this continues as the students embark on their continued education journey with us, and we look forward to welcoming you to the parents and carers ‘year 7 settling-in’ event next Thursday 14th September, where you will be able to find out first hand what a great start the students have all made.

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