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Year 7 English Student Lab Technicians Complete Autopsy

Year 7 English Student Lab Technicians Complete Autopsy

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Year 7 English Student Lab Technicians...
It was a privilege to join Advanced Lead Teacher, Mr Johnson’s Year 7 English class on Tuesday of this week and see the superb learning that took place throughout the lesson. The classroom had been set up with a dead body covered in a sheet that the students had to gather round to assess with a literacy focus – as if they were in a real autopsy! 
It was a brilliant lesson that aroused all the senses and really supported the students to be as imaginative as they could. Their work was very impressive and they all made great progress throughout the lesson. Mr Johnson and the three Learning Assistants in the class were constantly assessing the progress that the students were making throughout the lesson and were effectively adapting the support that students needed to make great progress. 
The lesson used a variety of sensory stimuli which included a realistic video of lighting destroying the bushes outside E Block, a powerful storm and a fireside experience, coupled with howling wind blowing during the students’ final written task.

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