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Year 11 Revision Evening

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Year 11 Revision Evening

Following the recent Year 11 Revision Evening held for all Year 11 students and their parents, it was great to see the new impetus in the Going4Great lesson with Year 11s in the Learning Resource Centre last Friday.

Having heard some superb advice from leaders in the core faculties of English, Maths and Science, it was excellent to see so many of the recommended online platforms (accessed through the state of the art Chromebooks available at BMS) being used as powerful revision tools.
It was also good to see students making immediate use of the free revision cards provided during the evening and creating their own memorable flash cards to reinforce areas of learning.
There was a powerful focus in the lesson and I would like to wish all our hard working Year 11 students all the best as they prepare for their upcoming Pre Public Examinations (PPEs) taking place after the half term holiday.
Now is the time to really increase the time spent completing additional revision and secure some brilliant predicted grades to gain those places in the SIxth Form at Bushey Meads on one of the many subjects offered on our eclectic Post 16 curriculum.

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