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Year 10s experience their first child development lesson

James Burley
James Burley
Year 10s experience their first child...

The start of the academic year is a particularly exciting time for Year 10 students, as they begin in earnest their option subjects. For many, this means that they are studying a new subject for the first time, as is true for the 25 students who began their studies of child development.

Over the last week, we have begun to look at the factors to consider when planning for a family, for which students have learned the mnemonic “FLASH CAR”. I won’t tell you what it means here, as I don’t wish to deprive year 10s of the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge to you, but each letter is a different factor for a couple to consider as part of family planning. We have now developed this knowledge into exam answers.
Students have provided feedback on their first lessons in child development, some examples of which are provided here:
Brooke: “I found the lesson fun and interesting. I really enjoyed learning about the factors that affect women’s pregnancy.”
Georgia: “I learnt that having a baby isn’t as easy as you think and you have to think a lot through before you have the baby.”
Chloe: “I find that the lesson is never boring and that everyone is very welcoming and won’t ever judge if you make a mistake but instead help and correct it.”
Bobbi: “The lessons have been very fun and interesting.”
Julia:  “Already today I have learnt a couple new words I would have probably never known the meaning of.”

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