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Year 10 Enrichment Day

Year 10 Enrichment Day

Aya Speker
Aya Speker
Year 10 Enrichment Day

In our enrichment day earlier this term, year 10 were given the theme of Holocaust Memorial which coincided with the theme of the week of Commemoration. January 27th marks Holocaust memorial day where communities come together to remember the six million Jews murdered during the Holocaust, alongside the millions of other people killed under Nazi persecution or other groups in genocides that followed in Cambodia, Rwanda, Bosnia and Dafur.

In the morning year 10 learnt about the history of the Holocaust and about what it was like for victims of the holocaust. They looked at the story of Leon Greenman and his deportation and life in Auschwitz. In the afternoon students had the opportunity to produce and perform a drama piece and to create a piece of collaborative art reflecting on the themes they had learnt about during the day.

The day culminated in students attending an assembly led by Mrs Speker on the Holocaust and celebrating Performing Arts within our school. Students took part in the Yellow Candle Project with two students from each CDG coming up to light a candle. Each candle represents a victim of the holocaust and has their name, date of birth and date of death. This was followed by students reading out poems and GCSE music student Anton who played the oboe and Rebecca who sang beautifully. Mrs Speker spoke about the Holocaust and how we must commemorate but also about our power and responsibility as individuals to stand up against discrimination, racism and anti semitism which sadly still exists in today’s world. Finally students watched a film showing the student’s work from the day.


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