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Word Root of the Week: AUTO (SELF)

Word Root of the Week: AUTO (SELF)

Amy Druce
Amy Druce
Word Root of the Week: AUTO (SELF)

Have you ever thought about how many words start with AUTO? This root comes from Greek and means “self.” You see it everywhere—from automobile (a vehicle that moves by itself) to autograph (your own signature). Even an autobiography is a book you write about your own life!

Understanding AUTO helps unlock the meaning of many words. For example, an autopilot system allows a plane to fly by itself, and an autonomous person is independent and makes decisions for themselves.

Last week, we explored PED/POD, meaning “foot.” When you connect these two roots, you get words like autopod—a scientific term for a limb that moves on its own!

Think of some words with AUTO that you use in daily life. Can you guess their meanings? Keep learning, and you’ll soon be on autopilot when it comes to understanding new words!

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