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Year 12 Parents’ Information Evening
It was great to see so many parents and carers attend this week’s Year 12 Parents’ Information Evening, engaging with the important subject information talks across...

Year 13 – Making the Difference
In this week’s Year 13 assembly, our outstanding Head of Sixth Form, Mr O’Kelly, spoke to our Year 13 Students about what a crucial time lay ahead. If they...

Sharing Top Tips
It was great to hear from one of our top teachers in our Friday Faculty Foci last week. Mrs Paddick shared a simple but highly effective ‘top tip‘ she uses to mark work smartly....

Curriculum Learning Journey
Parents and carers often ask what their child will be taught over the course of a year or indeed throughout their time at school. It is an important question in allowing the...

Positive Praise after Touring Bushey Meads
After our highly successful annual Open Evening for prospective Year 6 students and their parents, this month and next we will be welcoming many hundreds of visitors on tours to...

L4 Finance apprenticeships at Tesco
Are you looking for a way to gain a Finance qualification, while earning a salary? Then there’s an opportunity for them at Tesco. Applications for our L4 Finance apprenticeship...

Sixth Form Student of the Week
Verity Alcorano 12 Sycamore Verity is one of our new to school students joining us in our outstanding Sixth Form. She has settled in very well and is enjoying her time here,...

LRC Update: Set Texts and Study Guides
In our school library we have a range of resources to support study of set texts covered in both GCSE and A Level English; some are physical copies, others in our eLibrary via the...

Come Dine With Me Returns to BMS
It was so nice to re-launch our hugely popular annual ‘Come Dine with Me’ event on Wednesday of this week and welcome over 100 parents and carers to Bushey Meads to...