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Wonderful Words

Wonderful Words

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Wonderful Words
Our Friday Faculty Focus at the end of last week was all about using command words to ensure our students make great progress and it was superb to hear from one of our top teachers and Head of Modern Foreign Languages Faculty Mrs Charles. As expected, she is a ‘master of words’ and uses every strategy in her lessons to communicate these to her students and enable them to remember them so that they do well in her subject.
She provided staff with loads of tips and ideas for how to promote the use of language and command words and phrases and showed examples of these on the big screen in the Main Hall.
When you visit her classroom every chair, table, noticeboard, and even her board rubber, is used as a prop to convey a word or phrase and all her carefully well planned lessons enable students to practise using these to great effect – resulting in her, year on year, gaining some of the best results and value added progress measures in the school.
She was definitely worth listening to!

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