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Welcome to Design and Technology Year 7!

Welcome to Design and Technology Year 7!

Alison Hanbury
Alison Hanbury
Welcome to Design and Technology Year 7!

Year 7 is already getting stuck into all the fantastic specialism of D&T BMS has to offer.


Year 7 Resistant Materials have been researching ancient cultures and using symbols and shapes from their research to generate design ideas for their pewter keyrings.


Year 7 Textiles have been discussing user needs and revamping some existing products by improving them.


They analysed some bags and thought carefully about how they could improve before working in pairs to sketch out their ideas! Next week, it will be time for some fabric testing and investigations!


Year 7 Food were testing the pH level of fruit juices in preparation for their first food practical, fruit salad next week! They needed to see which juice could prevent enzymic browning


In year 7 Electronics, students have been learning about electronic sensors and how they are used in everyday life. They will be using this knowledge to help them design and develop a moisture sensor to help tell you when you water your plants.


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