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We are the champions!
On Tuesday 23rd May students that were successful in their applications to be Mental Health Champions spend the day in training.
The day entailed sessions on recognising their own mental healths and examining the skills and qualities needed to become a mental health champion.  They then looked at common mental health issues, their signs and what we can do to help.
Students also looked at strategies such as tapping and breathing techniques to help manage feelings. The big hit of the day was making calm jars.
Moving forwards the students will be promoting mental health support and strategies around the school. The students worked amazingly all day and enjoyed the graduation ceremony at the end where they received their certificates and lanyards.
‘I enjoyed making the calm jars, watching the glitter move around looked like a galaxy, focusing on that stopped me focusing on anything else’  Taylor – Year 8
‘Breathing exercises made me feel silly at first but when I concentrated on my breathing my heart rate slowed and I calmed’ Year 7 student
‘I’m looking forward to teaching others the techniques we learnt today’ Year 10 Student

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