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Virtual Routes into STEM for year 9 & 10 students

Virtual Routes into STEM for year 9 & 10 students

Mo Abusef
Mo Abusef
Virtual Routes into STEM for year 9 &...

Dear year 9 and year 10 students,
It is my mission to continue to support and inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers at Bushey Meads.

If you would like to know what exciting future Tech, Design, Maths or Science subjects could lead to then join the Virtual Routes into STEM course during the February half-term!

Not only the course provides guided learning for you to work through flexibly and find out all about college, university, apprenticeships and careers in STEM from the experts, you will also have a selection of tailor-made STEM projects and activities at your fingertips.

During this unique course students will get the chance to compare college, university and apprenticeship pathways into STEM careers.

A variety of live sessions will be running in half-term week for you to join and ask questions to the panels of experts and apprentices.

Throughout the duration of the course students will have a unique opportunity to access content from:


This is an opportunity not to be missed! Do not delay and apply by the 5th February.

Fully funded/bursary places are available for those students that need it, so I would recommend you to tick the bursary request box when completing the application form.
For more information and the application form please



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