Year 12 Childcare Students engage in active research
It was a pleasure to meet my new year 12 class, which includes three students who have just joined BMS, for the first time on Monday this week. As part of one of our first...
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It was a pleasure to meet my new year 12 class, which includes three students who have just joined BMS, for the first time on Monday this week. As part of one of our first...
Posted by James Burley
Thank you to the vast majority of parents and carers who park sensibly to drop off their children in the mornings and to collect them in the afternoons. May we please remind all...
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
A huge thank you must go to our inspirational Head of Faculty for PE and Health Mr Cartledge and his dedicated team for organising one of the best Sports Days ever in recent...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
One of my favourite things about being an English teacher at BMS is being the Character Development Coach for 10 Elm. A highlight of this academic year was witnessing Trishan in...
Posted by Anthony Carter
Last week the whole of year 12 had the opportunity to gain experience within the workplace by completing a week of work experience. Throughout Bushey Meads School, Work Related...
Posted by Di Mcildowie
I took a group of year 7,8 and 9’s to the Brick Lane area of East London for enrichment day. We were joined by and excellent tour guide Eddie on his Locals love: East End tour...
Posted by Alison Hanbury
Despite the heat of Tuesday evening, the young actors and actresses of Bushey Meads performed brilliantly in the Main Hall to a very appreciative audience of family, friends,...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
This week the Theme of the Week has been Moving On and on Monday Assistant Pastoral Manager Mr Annan-Forsen led a really important assembly for our successful cohort of Year 7...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Posted by Danielle Bowe
Ronin Taijutsu will be offering free classes in September. The club takes place on Saturday mornings (term time only) in the school gymnasium. Please see the attached flyer for...
Posted by Tejal Mistry
Thank you to the vast majority of parents and carers who park sensibly to drop off their children in the mornings and to collect them in the afternoons. May we please remind all parents and carers when dropping off/collecting students to ensure that you:
· park sensibly and safely with due consideration to our neighbours, please do not obstruct or park on the driveways opposite the school
· observe the yellow zigzags outside Bushey Meads and Meadow Wood schools (no pulling into the entrances of the schools)
· ensure that traffic can flow smoothly by not parking near a junction (for example by the roundabout)
To avoid congestion in front of the school we recommend that if you park further away from the school site and then the students can walk the rest of the way. We have suggested drop off points for the “Park and Stride” initiative as detailed below.
As per our email earlier in the week, the school plans to hold a number of key stakeholder engagement events where we can engage in an open and constructive discussion about ways...
Traveling to School Thank you to the vast majority of parents and carers who park sensibly to drop off their children in the mornings and to collect them in the afternoons....