Student Clubs
As an extended project for year 12 prefects, we have decided to run lunchtime clubs for all year groups in order to allow the younger students more access to extracurricular...
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As an extended project for year 12 prefects, we have decided to run lunchtime clubs for all year groups in order to allow the younger students more access to extracurricular...
Posted by Madeline Silla
On Friday 19th January, the GCSE and A Level art students went on a day trip to the Tate Modern. The GCSE students have recently received their Externally Set Assignment title...
Posted by Sam Cole
On the 25th of January 2024, Year 11 and a few Year 10 GCSE students went to see ‘The Doctors Show’ at Abbey Theatre in St Albans. We learnt about progression and regression of...
Posted by Adam Lyley
This year has started off with a bang in STEM. Programming from Scratch is being taken to a new level by BMS students. A collection of new aspiring projects in programming. These...
Posted by Mo Abusef
Firstly, I have to congratulate the top five students in Beech House with the most Reward points: 1. Jessie M 217 R Points 0 C Points 2. Jack M 199 R Points ...
Posted by Eliz Noyan
Providing fabulous feedback to students remains a top priority for teachers and learning assistants at Bushey Meads School. Research shows that, when students are shown the clear...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
At Bushey Meads School, to support our strong focus on our 3 Rs of Respect, Responsibility and Relationships, we expect all students to follow our clear Keys to Success displayed...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was a privilege to join our Key Stage Coordinator for Science Mrs Siddiqui’s class last week and see how well they were engaging in the learning and making progress as...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
At Bushey Meads teachers are always looking for ways to increase engagement in learning, measure progress and adapt lessons to ensure maximum achievement. The use of mini...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Our Learning Resource Centre (LRC) continues to be an important hub of the school. Before school and at break time and lunchtime students can access all the books and state of the...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
MRs Hughes, Head of Ash House, delivered an assembly to Ash House on this week’s theme of Tolerance. Mrs Hughes linked the theme to our school core values of Respect, Responsibility and Relationships.
It was inspiring to see the determination to succeed across all Year 7 technology lessons last Friday. There were some excellent and creative design and build skills on display...
PE Health and Health Faculty News (23rd October 2024) NEWS Mr Cartledge Head of PE and Health FOOTBALL Year 8A Boys v Croxley Danes (District Division 1) AWAY Mr Cartledge...