Theme of Success
Our year 9 students enjoyed an assembly on success this week. Led by Mrs Smith (Pastoral Manager) they reflected on what success looked like and building on recent experiences how...
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Our year 9 students enjoyed an assembly on success this week. Led by Mrs Smith (Pastoral Manager) they reflected on what success looked like and building on recent experiences how...
Posted by Claire Till
Each half term, our SLC’s meet with Mrs Pattni and Mr Symeou. Our Student Learning Consultants have many responsibilities and one specific element of their role is to meet with us...
Posted by Niralee Pattni
Staff at Bushey Meads School are always thinking of creative and innovative ways to increase student engagement in lessons and on Monday at Staff Briefing science teacher Mr...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
So far in the Year 10 we have started to learn about the topics we need to know about for our GCSEs, we have learnt about Kaiser Wilhelm II; the Weimar Republic as well as the...
Posted by Adam Lyley
Introducing the new addition to the Bushey Meads staff, Mr Kaye. Being a learning assistant, Mr Kaye provides support to the students and teachers as well as 1:1 help with those...
Posted by Eliz Noyan
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Posted by James Felix
As another week comes to a close, both staff and students are looking forward to the weekend but we have to take a moment to appreciate the success of the Bushey Meads Newsletter....
Posted by Unami Tenga
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Our annual Governors Day 2020 took place on Tuesday of this week.Physical in-person and virtual online meetings took place with our hardworking Heads of Faculty and also with a...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Our year 9 students enjoyed an assembly on success this week. Led by Mrs Smith (Pastoral Manager) they reflected on what success looked like and building on recent experiences how Joe Wicks grew his fitness business. Referring to our three core values of Belief, Motivation and Success students were able to understand how to break down their goals into easily, achievable but cumulative steps in order to progress across all aspects of their life. This development of our students to have a lifelong love of learning is at the centre of our PSCHE programme not only enhancing social inclusion, and active citizenship, but also self-motivation and ultimately, employability. As Joe Wicks said success is about the “dialogue going on inside, an inner energy.”
The academic year started this week with all staff celebrating the school’s outstanding A level results and ‘best ever’ GCSE measures for 5+ A*- A grades, 5+ A*...
Literacy is taken very seriously at BMS and viewed as a vital cog in the wheel of student progress. High standards of literacy allow students to access the curriculum in every...