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The Start of an Exciting Journey

The Start of an Exciting Journey

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
The Start of an Exciting Journey

It was lovely to welcome our new cohort of Year 7 students at the beginning of this academic year on Tuesday of this week and see so many excited and happy faces at the start and end of the day. The assembly led by Assistant Headteacher Mr Mitman at the start of the day was a particularly poignant and impressive ‘new beginning’ for them.

All the students joined in all the carefully chosen activities with great enthusiasm. New friends were made throughout the day and our three Rs of Respect, Responsibility and Relationships were demonstrated in abundance.
There were some extremely impressive ‘Me Capsules’ created and shared which certainly helped to develop those all-important friendships and positive relationships across their Character Development Groups.
We would like to thank all the students and their parents and carers for making such a positive start this week and wish them every success and happiness during their time at BMS.

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