Year 13 Make Childcare Classroom WOW

Year 13 Make Childcare Classroom WOW

Rae-Anne Bowyer
Rae-Anne Bowyer
Year 13 Make Childcare Classroom WOW

BMS is running a WOW classroom competition across the school.

Two of the Childcare students took it upon themselves to make our classroom the best. They started by making the plain paper towel holder into a snake from the Gruffalo story.

They also made a tree on the back of the door, made up of all the childcare students from year 10 to year 13. This tree makes everybody, who takes childcare, feel welcome.

Natalie and Amy were asked to come up with an idea for a display board. The idea of the board was to make it interactive for the children and help with their literacy development. The board makes learning fun for young children, and is split into three activities. Each has something different for the children to do. On the storyboard the words of the story have got blue tac on and the children have to put them back in order. There is a lion mask to put on as well, as you tell the story. The story is in the bottom left of the section and is on velcro, so it can be taken down to be read.

The next section is handwriting. The alphabet and numbers are in order from start to finish. There is a whiteboard which is also on velcro, with a pen, to practise on.

The last section , is a nursery rhyme, twinkle twinkle little star. Again like the storyboard, the rhyme is interactive. The children are able to move the rhyme into the right order.

From doing this task the girls have learnt valuable skills that they can transfer into the childcare settings that they will be working in next year.

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