World Book Day Bake-off Success
Once again Bushey Meads students excelled in the World Book Day Bake-Off 2023. Tasked with creating one or more cakes, large or small, to celebrate books, our students produced...
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Once again Bushey Meads students excelled in the World Book Day Bake-Off 2023. Tasked with creating one or more cakes, large or small, to celebrate books, our students produced...
Posted by Teresa Turton
Next Thursday, March 2nd is World Book Day and once again Bushey Meads students will be celebrating throughout the day in a variety of ways, including our ever-popular book-themed...
Posted by Teresa Turton
As part of our annual World Book Day celebrations we are holding a Book Bake-Off competition, open to all students in the school. The challenge is to bake a cake or series of...
Posted by Teresa Turton
World Book Day Competitions Once again Bushey Meads’ students showcased their outstanding creativity and baking skills by producing a wide range of book-themed cakes, to recognise...
Posted by Teresa Turton
As part of the celebrations for World Book Day students were invited to put their baking skills to the test and create book-themed cakes for a competition. The cakes were...
Posted by Teresa Turton
Once again Bushey Meads students excelled in the World Book Day Bake-Off 2023. Tasked with creating one or more cakes, large or small, to celebrate books, our students produced some extremely imaginative and detailed cakes. Their creativity and skills were admired by staff and students who were voting throughout the day.
After all 190 votes were counted, the top three were:
1st place: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Asadali, Yr8)
2nd place: Carousel of Books (Lilla, Yr7)
3rd place: Children’s books (Maisie, Yr8)
Other entries (in no particular order):
Year 7:
The Hodgeheg (Cupcakes) Lisa
Charlie’s Chocolate Factory – Mya
Stick Man – Bethan
Bookcase – Sameer
Matilda – Scarlet , Eden
Outside Willy Wonka’s Factory – Isla , Olivia
Willy Wonka – Aya
Fiction Book – Chloe
Year 8:
Heartstopper – Jazmine
The Very Hungry Caterpillar – Kacey
Heidi – Ava
Ariel – Charlotte, Rosie, Layla, Layla, Daisy, Hannah, Katie
Lion, Witch & Wardrobe – Gemma
101 Dalmatians – Millie
A few students kindly sold slices of their cakes for charity, and I am assured by those who bought them, they tasted as good as they looked!
Congratulations and thanks to all for participating, either by baking or by voting – a fitting tribute to World Book Day!
It was so lovely to see how keen the Year 7 students were in their reading lesson in the LRC with Mrs Turton our outstanding LRC Manager on Wednesday of this week. Many of them...
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