Our School has a Mind to be Kind

Our School has a Mind to be Kind

Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Our School has a Mind to be Kind
On 5th March teachers from five schools came to visit Bushey Meads School, from as far afield as Birmingham. The purpose of the visit was to understand how we had implemented our new mantra “Our School has a Mind to be Kind” and the 3 core values of Respect, Relationships and Responsibility across the school and the impact it is having.
The morning consisted of an explanation of how we have delivered assemblies and form tutor activities through our themes of the week on the three principles of:
  • Doing acts of kindness
  • Not harming others
  • Showing respect
We also discussed how years 7 and 8 had benefited from two immersion days on one of the principles during an enrichment day this year with Year 9 still to come.
Our Head boy Rikesh and Head girl Isabella then talked through the impact of the strategy across the school followed by a group of student leaders, including Anti-Bullying Ambassadors and BMS Buddies, who discussed how their roles incorporated the new mantra.
The teachers then had a tour of the school to see the visual displays around the school site and to visit some lessons based on “Doing acts of Kindness” with a main focus on empathy.
The visitors were very impressed by the Bushey Meads students and how well behaved and engaged in their learning they were. They left with lots of ideas to take back to their own schools.
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