Learning Support Update

Learning Support Update

Roa Dillon
Roa Dillon
Learning Support Update
We have had a very positive start to 2021 in Learning Support and I am so happy to see all our students engaging in face to face or online live lessons.
I understand what a difficult challenge some of our students are finding this third lockdown. Please rest assured that we are here to help, if your child is struggling at home please do make contact and we can arrange for them to attend school to suit individual needs. I do understand the difficulties being faced as your SENDCo, and parent of two students at BMS. One of which has taken coming back to school with all gusto, and the other has found it rather challenging and stressful. The support our students are receiving from the teachers, and pastoral team is outstanding.
As some of you may have heard our very own resident therapy dog Bonnie had a beautiful litter of 8 puppies over Christmas. Bonnie safely delivered 5 girls and 3 boys all now respectively named Bertie, Branston, Ida, Maggie, Nala, Nancy, Oscar and Pippin. The puppies have all found wonderful new homes from the Cotswolds to our very own Bushey area.
The students in school were lucky enough to spend a whole week with Branston and he turned out to be quite a pickle visiting Maths, English and an Art lesson!
It was wonderful to also be able to connect with colleagues from Little Reddings last week, having a safe physically distanced meeting with Sean Power, Assistant Headteacher / SENDCo. I am passionate about the close SEND links we have within the trust and sharing ideas and collaborative practice across our schools. We will continue to build on our strengths, and the shared belief that all our students can achieve to their full potential.
The Learning Support team are here to nurture your child’s success at Bushey Meads. We offer many different approaches to assist learning, so please reach out to us as we are wholeheartedly here for your child’s education and wellbeing.

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