Celebrating success and student leadership within Ash House

Celebrating success and student leadership within Ash House

James Burley
James Burley
Celebrating success and student leadership...

It has been my privilege to lead Ash House on its journey since the start of this school year. I could not be more proud of the students within the house and the efforts to which they have gone in order to be successful.

One thing I am most proud of is the confidence that students have developed in leading Theme of the Week activities during CDC time. I have seen students in my own CD group, 10Ash, take on leadership roles and blossom this year as young leaders. This is evidenced in the photos here as they explored the theme of community and the different groups to which they belong.
Through our most recent assembly on resilience and its subsequent theme of the week, it was interesting to discover what resilience means to the students and the value they place upon it.
I look forward to continuing this journey throughout the rest of the year, to see students equip themselves with the essential skills they need to be young citizens and adults of the next generation!

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