Student Leaders show FLAIR in Maths…
Three of our Maths Student Leaders had the privileged experience of joining in with the first part of the Maths Faculty Meeting on Wednesday 25th March 2021. Coinciding with our...
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Three of our Maths Student Leaders had the privileged experience of joining in with the first part of the Maths Faculty Meeting on Wednesday 25th March 2021. Coinciding with our...
Posted by Suresh Varsani
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Posted by Jeremy Turner
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Posted by Niralee Pattni
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Posted by Sarah Dunsby
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Posted by Suresh Varsani
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Posted by Suresh Varsani
Firstly I would like to introduce the Bushey Meads eLearning Leaders! Our team is made up of students from years 7 – 13. These are the students who have been working very...
Posted by James Booth
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Posted by Jeremy Turner
On February 1st we held another successful Student Parliament meeting led by the Deputy Head Team, that despite the snow had a fantastic turn out. This half term’s meeting was...
Posted by Lauren Wright
Posted by Helen Booth
Three of our Maths Student Leaders had the privileged experience of joining in with the first part of the Maths Faculty Meeting on Wednesday 25th March 2021.
Unfortunately, we were unable to go to different classes and give a full presentation about this to the students due to the COVID restrictions. However, we made sure that this didn’t slow us down. Therefore, as Maths Leaders, we have embraced this occasion and have done several things to mark this unique week.
We took part in a meeting with the faculty, and there we were able to share our ideas about how we could make this week different to engage students even more in maths. We came up with a document of ideas that the teachers were able to look over. We have produced a lot of questions, with ranging difficulty for the students to answer in their class, perhaps as starters or extensions. We have also found many maths jokes and riddles for the electronic display in the maths corridor for students to view and enjoy. Here are some for you to have a look at:
Q) If I fire a bullet from a gun in a straight line with one hand, and drop a different bullet with my other hand at the same time from the same height, which one would land first?
Answer: They would both land at the same time as gravity acts equally, of course the first bullet would travel a lot further.
Q) What number bay is the car parked in?
Answer: 87, turn the picture around and you would notice the numbers going up in one.
Possible future projects:
We are planning to make fun mathematical experiments for Flair Week. For example, trying to find out Pi in unique and unconventional ways. For example, a famous mathematician, Matt Parker, calculated an approximation for pi by weighing a circle. Alternatively, you could try calculating how many handshakes you need to handshake everyone in a certain group size. Try finding a pattern!
Overall we really enjoyed this week and we hope you all did too! It’s never too late to show flair!
Thank you Kavya Mehta, Yehen Singankutta Arachchilage and Vikyrthan Kirushnamoorthy
Well done to these very talented Mathematicians for all that they are doing to make maths even more fun within the BMS community!
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