STEM Challenge of the Week: MARBLE RUN!

STEM Challenge of the Week: MARBLE RUN!

Suresh Varsani
Suresh Varsani
STEM Challenge of the Week: MARBLE RUN!
Dear students, parents and carers,
Here is our second STEM Challenge of the Week.  Each week, a new challenge will be shared for students and even their families to get involved in.
STEM leader Karris Sivarajah and Alexander Ciz_Yori took on last week’s challenge and had some real fun with jelly sweets and gum drops in creating the geodesic domes shown below.
This week’s challenge is another Engineering challenge and I hope you find it enjoyable as well as learning a bit more about potential energy, friction and angles of slope.
Please do email me any pics (or even better, videos!) of the marble runs you make (with or without you in the picture or video) and I can include these in next week’s STEM Challenge article.  Congratulations to Karris and Alexander who both receive R3’s for completing the challenge from last week.
So, go ahead, join us on the STEM band wagon and enjoy taking part in our weekly challenge!

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