E-Reader Literacy

E-Reader Literacy

Claire Till
Claire Till
E-Reader Literacy

Taking every opportunity to help students develop their functional skills of literacy the LRC has been utilising ebook readers. Showing best practice around inclusion the e-reader allows students to take advantage of text-to-speech facilities alongside those of the dictionary and adjustable text size. Building on our CDC reading program of following the text with their ruler while an adult reads the information the advantage of the text-to-speech facility is that it allows students to hear and see the text at the same time, thereby simulating our CDC experience and reinforcing processing skills for our students. Reinforcing our staff development strand of Lifting Literacy to the Next Level seeing and hearing text simultaneously will further develop all students as both confident readers and an eloquent speaker. The additional ability to change the text size also enables us to ensure that all students, including ones with impaired vision, are able to participate in every aspect of their learning and so, better cope with the demands of extended writing challenges of our curriculum areas. Do take a look at our Reading Cloud drop-down on the top of the home page for an insight into our LRC and the host of fiction and non-fiction texts that we stock.

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