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Posted by Danielle Bowe
The reintroduction of home learning has been the ideal opportunity to focus students’ reading by re-launching the Reading Awards. Some students started this during the first...
Posted by Teresa Turton
Thursday 4th of March is World Book Day and we are celebrating all things books! There will be events running throughout the day, but we wanted to give you some planning notice of...
Posted by Danielle Bowe
Following on from another successful DEAR Event (Drop Everything And Read) on 26 January 2021, the Humanities and Social Sciences departments shared the following feedback:...
Posted by Sandra Kinghorn
This week saw our second non-fiction D.E.A.R event. On Tuesday students and staff dropped everything to read for 25 minutes. With the school bell being rung it acted as a reminder...
Posted by Claire Till
In support of our growth mindset culture we have introduced an app for those students normally engaging with our reading intervention program, who have dyslexia or English as a...
Posted by Claire Till
Don’t forget, even when working from home, you can access a vast range of books and resources online using our SORA system. In library Studies next week, Mrs Turton will be...
Posted by Teresa Turton
Student engagement with learning simply would not happen without an incredible amount of parental support and improving student reading is no exception. The importance of...
Posted by Claire Till
Our first fiction D.E.A.R event took place Monday 7th December with both students and staff engaging in 20 minutes of reading. This designated reading session reminds us all of...
Posted by Claire Till
Literacy is taken very seriously at BMS and viewed as a vital cog in the wheel of student progress. High standards of literacy allow students to access the curriculum in every...
Posted by Graeme Searle
As the majority of students continue to work from home, students who are in school can still enjoy a friendly game with their peers in Our Space. Students were unaware that the...
Following year 10 parents’ evening, we had several requests for book recommendations. Regular reading is so important for success at GCSE and beyond, yet it’s exactly...