Parking with consideration

Thank you to the vast majority of our parents and carers who always park with consideration when dropping off or collecting their child for school.

Unfortunately, there is a small number of parents and carers who are not being considerate, particularly when collecting their child at the end of the school day when the weather is not good.

Please can I ask that you:

  • park with consideration on Coldharbour Lane and in local roads, ensuring driveways are kept clear to allow the homeowners to enter or leave their property
  • keep the local area tidy by taking any litter from food home or placing in a bin
  • continue to keep the areas in front of the school clear by not stopping on the zig zag lines and not pulling in to or turning around in the entrances to the schools on Coldharbour Lane

We do recommend parking a little further away from the school, using the Park and Stride map for suggestions.

park and stride 2

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