More Able Week
What an absolute joy for me to be invited to see such an abundance of activities over the past few days to celebrate our More Able Week. As part of our daily lessons we strive to...
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What an absolute joy for me to be invited to see such an abundance of activities over the past few days to celebrate our More Able Week. As part of our daily lessons we strive to...
Posted by Lauren Wright
On Monday Assistant Headteacher Mrs Wright and Pastoral and Communications Manager Mr Malik launched our very exciting More Able Week at BMS with a Monday Magic Moment in Staff...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
What an absolute joy for me to be invited to see such an abundance of activities over the past few days to celebrate our More Able Week. As part of our daily lessons we strive to stretch and challenge all students in the classroom. We aim for every child to be ‘More Able’ at the end of the lesson than they were at the beginning; nurturing their journey of progress throughout the curriculum and through enriching experiences.
On Wednesday all year groups attended a special assembly to hear about the ‘More able today than you were yesterday’ idea. This stems from our ‘More Able get...
On Monday morning of this week Associate Leader Mrs Wright led an inspiring Monday Magic Moment introducing the theme of this year’s More Able Agenda ‘Flair.’...