World Book Day!
At BMS we always like to celebrate World Book Day and use it as another opportunity to profile the importance of reading. This year we want to build around the day and celebrate all week!
Advanced Lead Teacher and KS3 Coordinator – English Miss Denton highlighted the upcoming day on Thursday 6th March in our Staff Briefing Meeting on Monday morning.
During the week all teachers will be sharing with students about their favourite book (perhaps one that hooked them into reading, or one that promoted a strong interest in pursuing a career in their subject). We know books can make us feel good and bring enjoyment so that might be something else to consider.
Miss Denton will be promoting World Book Day over the coming weeks and hoping that everyone gets on board. As parents and carers, do continue to do all you can to promote reading at home as we know it plays a key part in underpinning  student achievement.

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