Continuing to Make the Difference in Challenging Times

Continuing to Make the Difference in Challenging Times

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Continuing to Make the Difference in...

Our hard working Year 11 students are completing their last few ‘rites of passage’ this week as they prepare to take their next exciting steps into post 16 education – many of them securing places in our outstanding Sixth Form here at Bushey Meads.

It has been so nice to see them finish so well and great to hear their positive reflections about their time at the school. It has also been lovely to hear from so many grateful parents. One such message was sent to Head of Standards, Safeguarding and SEND – Mrs Ash last week:
Dear Mrs Ash,
We would like to take this important opportunity in thanking you for all of your hard work over the years and making the difference to our daughter’s future. She has been fortunate to attend a school that supports her aspirations and we have been continually impressed with certain teachers that obviously choose their correct vocation. Our daughter’s future is determined by such aspirational teachings and we would like to extend our gratitude to Mrs Hoskins and Mrs Greenwood especially; they are a credit to the reputation of Bushey Meads. Have a lovely summer and we hope that she is successful in her grading to attend 6th form as she so desires. 
Sincere regards,
Year 11 Parents
This lovely email is one of many messages a number of staff have received in recent weeks and means so much to the hardworking and dedicated staff here at the school. We all know there are immense challenges in the teaching profession at present and gestures like this go an awful long way to help.

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