Performing Arts Week – KS3 Art Day

Performing Arts Week – KS3 Art Day

Sam Cole
Sam Cole
Performing Arts Week – KS3 Art Day

On Wednesday 8th February, around 40 students from year 7 to 9 spent most of the day in the art department. As part of Performing Arts Week these students were selected to take part in an exciting day of creativity, imagination and teamwork.

The inspiration was Gustav Klimt’s Tree of Life in combination with a giant fabric tree made by a collective group called Pirate Technic. The students were given recycled materials and basic structures to work with. They worked in teams along with art teachers and members of Learning Support to wrap the bases in padding and then their fabrics of choice. Once they were completed students were able to use their imaginations and create tags and images to hang on the trees to represent themselves, subjects, interests etc.
Over the day was a great success and the students thoroughly enjoyed themselves and have created some spectacular pieces.

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