Just Talk Survey
Across Hertfordshire all young people are being encouraged to take part in a survey and a flyer is attached with more information and a QR code for you to take part. The...
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Across Hertfordshire all young people are being encouraged to take part in a survey and a flyer is attached with more information and a QR code for you to take part. The objectives of the survey are to:
In 2022, 73 schools (11,155 young people) participated in the survey. Schools fed back that they found the data very useful.
The survey can be accessed via www.hertshealthevidence.org/yphws or the QR code on the attached flyer and runs from 6th Nov – 20th December. The survey takes approximately 20 minutes to complete on a computer, laptop, tablet or mobile and is anonymous. The aim is that every young person in school completes the survey so don’t miss out!
Just before the half term holiday, Hero Slinn the Director of Inclusion and Skills for Hertfordshire Children’s Services sent out an update to all headteachers and leading...
At Bushey Meads School, we invest in a range of online learning platforms to aid the progress inside and outside the lessons. Students in Years 7-9 benefit from the Bedrock...