STEM Club News

Two weeks ago, a Year 8 student Lamar Alsaedi participated in the online CyberFirst Girls Competition 2023 in her own time. She completed some of the “Challenges” and within each challenge, there are three levels: Beginner, Intermediate and Expert.

Lamar did mostly the Beginner and some Intermediate challenges. She used her Internet searching skills and newly learned skills taught by the NCSC (National Cyber Security Centre) to complete as many challenges as possible. The competition finished midday on 30 November 2022.

We are pleased to announce that Lamar managed to earn 5624 points and she passed the qualifier round and thus entered to the next phase: the regional and independent finals on the 4th February 2023 where she will be contesting against eleven schools from around this country.


We are very proud of Lamar’s enthusiasm and effort, as well as her parents and siblings who have been very supportive.

A big thank you to the teaching staff who were so supportive and allowed Lamar to complete some of her challenges during lesson time.

Teaching staff and fellow students, please continue to encourage Lamar when you see her around the school.

As for the IT STEM club, we are pleased with Lamar’s achievement and looking forward to the 4th February 2023, when the final will kick in!

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