STEM Challenge of the Week…

STEM Challenge of the Week…

Suresh Varsani
Suresh Varsani
STEM Challenge of the Week…
Dear students, parents and carers,
Last week’s STEM Challenge was completed by Seth Freeman and you can see the results of the foil boat he made in the video below!  Well done Seth, who has received an R3 for completing the challenge and sending in his video.
So, how about this week?
Can you construct a liquid rainbow?
This week’s STEM challenge involves some colourful science magic! Why not challenge a friend to create one too and you can share the outcome with each other and discuss what worked, what didn’t and possibly even the science behind it all.  Please send any pictures or videos to me and we can share them in next week’s article.  An R3 will be awarded to anyone that sends me a picture or video.
For further inspiration, click on the link below to watch a cool Science video all about liquid densities

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