A Great Success Story!

A Great Success Story!

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
A Great Success Story!

Archie in 12 Ash was very proud to show me his A level Photography work during a study period just before the half term holiday. He was using his independent learning time to maximise his achievement by completing additional research to improve his portfolio.

Having completed his first eight weeks in the outstanding Bushey Meads’ Sixth Form studying Drama, Food Nutrition and Science and Photography A levels, he was reflecting back on how, at one stage, he would never have dreamed of being part of the school at this highest level.
He chose his A levels carefully based on his GCSE results and knowing that he is better suited to more practical creative learning.
He is already thinking about next steps beyond Bushey Meads, his further study and potential career and is an inspirational role model for all students in the school.

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