Smart Strategies to Support Speaking in Spanish

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Smart Strategies to Support Speaking in...
Head of Faculty for Modern Foreign Languages Mrs Charles led the final ‘Friday Faculty Focus’ at the end of our second Marking and Feedback Fortnight of the academic year and focussed on sharing how she and her colleagues provide smart feedback during speaking assessments.
Whilst the students are speaking their assessment speeches, teachers type into the google` comments section of the platform, correcting any mispronunciation using a phonetic approach. This written record develops independent learning as the students in their own time practise to improve their final speaking grades.
In MFL teachers are also using the full range of assessment stickers that form our whole school approach to marking and feedback – orange verbal stickers, blue self assessment and green peer assessment stickers help to compliment the white teacher feedback stickers and ensure plenty of ongoing feedback throughout any specific unit of work is timely, regular and sufficiently varied.
Through this smartly designed approach to marking and feedback in languages at BMS, more and more students are achieving highly and making great progress throughout Key Stage 3 and into GCSE at Key Stage 4, A level at Post 16 and beyond.

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