Year 7 bring Norman castles to life!
It has been a pleasure to be teaching history again this half term to year 7 and recently I set my class the task of creating their own Motte and Bailey castles, which were...
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It has been a pleasure to be teaching history again this half term to year 7 and recently I set my class the task of creating their own Motte and Bailey castles, which were...
Posted by James Burley
Associate Leader and Head of IT and Computing Mr Abusef led the Main School Assemblies this week on the really important subject of staying safe online with a particular focus on...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
There was a very positive atmosphere in the Art Department at Bushey Meads School on Wednesday of this week and great to see so many students taking part in a special art project...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It was a real privilege to welcome Sally Glossop – County lead for The Graduated Response at Hertfordshire County Council and Sharon Coubray – County Lead for Speech,...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It has been a pleasure to be teaching history again this half term to year 7 and recently I set my class the task of creating their own Motte and Bailey castles, which were typically used in this country following the Norman conquest. These castles had very distinctive features and were quick and cheap to build; ideal for defence and establishing rule quickly – two of William I’s priorities.
On Wednesday this week, year 7 arrived at my lesson with their responses to the task.They were delighted with their efforts and I was thrilled with the effort they had put into the work and the quality of the final outcomes!
Mr Ash had a bit of fun with his House family on Wednesday morning of this week and showed himself as the King of Willow House, celebrating being top of the House Point league...
Evan 12B Evan has been nominated by Mrs Speker for his excellent attitude to learning and work ethic in his Art lessons. She also highlights Evan’s outstanding contribution...