SRP progress
The major building development of A Block is continuing and creating a lot of excitement amongst staff and students. Work has begun in earnest on the top floor of the building and we can already see the structure of the new classroom above A7 and the large shared staff workspace and Sixth Form teaching room, positioned between the two existing upper floor classrooms. This new upper floor will create a superb suite of MFL teaching spaces for all key stages and will definitely and very positively support the continued increase in student numbers taking up languages at BMS and achieving such brilliant GCSE and A level grades – progressing on to very bright futures in our increasingly globally-focussed workplace.
The downstairs floor is also taking shape and we can see the canopy emerging which will create a superb entrance way to our new Specialist Resource Provision which will become a real centre of excellence for our school and the wider local community.
Big congratulations go to the building firm Marlow, our consultants overseeing the major project, BSJT Business Manager Ms Coombs, BSJT SIte Manager Mr Campion, as well as our Head of Standards and Safeguarding and SEND Mrs Ash – all overseeing the project for the school.
Exciting times!

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