Year 13 PPE results assembly

Year 13 PPE results assembly

Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Year 13 PPE results assembly

On Friday 6th January all Year 13 students, with their Character Development Coaches, gathered in the Main Hall, eagerly waiting to find out the results from the Pre Public Examinations sat back in November.

The assembly started with a motivational presentation about using time effectively and also featured some top study tips from last years successful students.
The tips included advice to:
  • start revision early (now!)
  • use independent study time effectively
  • plan revision so it targets the weakest areas
  • revise in a variety of ways (podcasts, mind maps, revision walls, etc)
  • complete lots of past exam papers and check through the mark scheme
  • use the opportunities on offer at school (revision sessions, holiday sessions, Study Saturdays, etc)
Having not sat external examinations in Year 11 (2021) due to Covid 19, this was the first real experience for the students of completing exam papers under strict exam conditions with external invigilators. The students had a variety of emotions after they opened results ranging from elation to the realisation that more revision was needed!
With the Final Countdown well and truly underway (only 65 school days left until the formal examinations begin) it is great to see so many Year 13 students focused in lessons, focused in their study periods and really stepping up.

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