Sixth Form Student of the Week

Sixth Form Student of the Week

Giles Monks
Giles Monks
Sixth Form Student of the Week

Joey 12M

Mr Chalkley has nominated Joey for all his help and support with the Year 7’s in D&T lessons. Mr Chalkley has commented how likeable and approachable Joey is and that the younger students find him very easy to talk to and approach for support in lessons. Joey has proved an excellent role model for KS3 students, this is especially pleasing as Joey was a new to school student who has thrown himself fully into BMS since joining us in September.

George 13B

George has been nominated by 2 members of staff for very different, but equally important reasons. Firstly, Mr Chambers has highlighted George’s highly motivated and diligent attitude to learning. He is always willing to offer perceptive comments and well-reasoned arguments in Business studies. Secondly, Mr Turner has nominated George for being a fantastic role model for the younger students across the Performing Arts. Mr Turner went on to say that George’s performance in the Christmas soiree was superb and of a really professional quality. Well done George and thank you for your fantastic contributions to our wider community.

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