Remembrance at Bushey Meads

Remembrance at Bushey Meads

Sam Cole
Sam Cole
Remembrance at Bushey Meads

The 11th November marks the date of wearing bright red poppies, remembering the courageous soldiers who dedicated and sacrificed their lives to save our country in WW2, remembering that if our brave soldiers hadn’t stepped on the battlefield knowing the risks,none of us would be where we are today.

So in preparation for this occasion, some Bushey Meads’ students were gathered together by many art teachers to complete a task of making as many poppies as possible out of air drying clay.On Friday 4th November, a bunch of year 8’s were together in c14 with Miss Cole and Mr Dada and managed to make and paint,in just a school day, a jaw-dropping 152 poppies. Aiming for the extra mile, some of us also made some mini soldiers to respect those who fought for us.

Written by Risha Chudasma 8 Elm

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