Big News from the Anti Bullying Ambassadors
Hi everyone Yet again we are now in a new lockdown with most student’s home learning once more. Let us remind ourselves of the amazing work our anti bullying ambassadors have done...
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Hi everyone Yet again we are now in a new lockdown with most student’s home learning once more. Let us remind ourselves of the amazing work our anti bullying ambassadors have done...
Posted by Helen Mateides
Drama has its challenges for remote learning. A subject that traditionally relies on extensive group work and plenty of close interaction was always going to provide us with...
Posted by Greg Knowles
Good afternoon Mr Turner and All the Teachers and Associate Staff at BMS. I just wanted to write this email to thank everyone at BMS for all the amazing work they are doing. I...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
As a school we have always been outward facing and willing to share best practice with schools across the country for the benefit of helping all children Aspire to Achieve and...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
It is always great to hear how our Humanities and Social Science students are exceling with their remote learning. Jessica Levitan, a Yr 8 student, has been asked by Head of...
Posted by Adam Lyley
Despite being unable to be at school last Friday, Head of Geography Miss Dunsby pre-recorded a voice-over on her Friday Faculty PowerPoint to be able to speak ‘live’ to teachers...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
As we all consider what we can do to continue supporting each other during these difficult times, this week’s National Children’s Mental Health Week seems all the more...
Posted by Jeremy Turner
Posted by Sara Ash - Deputy Headteacher
Over in technology, we have launched some new projects with our students, challenging students to get ‘hands on’ and stuck in to some practical tasks. Year 8 student Ben Rutter...
Posted by Niralee Pattni
Mrs Hoskins was teaching year 11 who were completing pieces on the theme of ‘Reflections’. Each students with a different idea. Ella Cannon felt that the theme reminded her of the...
Posted by Stephanie Knowles
Hi everyone
Yet again we are now in a new lockdown with most student’s home learning once more.
Let us remind ourselves of the amazing work our anti bullying ambassadors have done this year so far. During anti-bullying week they raised £114.61p Funds will go to Herts Young Homeless and Bullying UK
Why Herts Young Homeless?
The number of referrals to Herts Young Homeless has increased since the lockdown. Any young people who were sofa surfing are more likely to have lost this option if they do not have their own room or have been displaying symptoms of the virus. There is little movement in supported accommodation across Herts as a result of the virus (as government guidelines advise that young people are not moved around during this time) and so a reduced amount of hostel accommodation for any new people presenting as homeless. The housing of rough sleepers will also have an effect on the amount of available temporary accommodation which is suitable for young people.
Why Bullying UK?
Bullying can seriously impact mental health, self-esteem and education, with the effects being felt for years to come. Bullying UK provides a helpline for young people and adults, online support through websites and social media channels, delivering projects in schools, talking and working with young people directly. During the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increase in young children and teenagers using digital platforms, for both personal use and educational purposes. With the increased usage incidences of cyberbullying may increase too. Here is a message from Sandra Hiller, the regional manager at Bullying UK.
Dear all
I hope you and the students are keeping well and safe?
I just wanted to thank you and the students personally, for the donation to Family Lives (BullyingUK). In this strange world we currently live in, donations from our supporters have never been so much needed. With huge increases in mental health, anxiety and isolation issues, including domestic violence and child aggression. We have continued our services through all of the restrictions by our resilient team of volunteers and staff.
I am so sorry not to be able to come along and thank the students personally again for all their efforts as a result of Anti-bullying week, so please do pass on my thanks to them all.
Wishing you and the students continued good health and hope we can plan a visit in 2022!
Best Wishes
Sandra Hiller | Regional Manager | Family Lives
Finally, I am proud to announce that Alayna Chaudhry 08E has won this year’s anti bullying poster competition. Congratulations Alayna!!
Remember more than ever If you can be anything be kind
“We rise by lifting others”
After a very successful Anti-bullying week the Ambassadors raised £116.00. The money raised was from sales of sweets and cakes And yes Bushey Meads students do love their sweets...