Outstanding Culture of Sharing Best Practice

Outstanding Culture of Sharing Best Practice

Jeremy Turner
Jeremy Turner
Outstanding Culture of Sharing Best Practice

In these challenging times we are often seeing very polarised opinions and attitudes – the very best and sometimes the worst of people’s characters.

What has been inspiring at Bushey Meads is to see so many staff adopting that positive mindset, demonstrating that willingness to consider others and go the extra mile to support one another through this challenging season.

On Monday morning in Staff Briefing that positive, inspiring attitude was epitomised by Head of House and Geography Teacher, Mr Mitchell and Head of Art, Miss Cole who took the time to upskill all staff in the use of Mote – a facility on google classrooms that enables teachers to leave live verbal feedback for students about their online learning.

This facility is particularly useful for the more practical subjects and will undoubtedly save staff huge amounts of time and enable students to make even better progress.

As outstanding practitioners, they have both taken the time to pilot this aspect of online teaching and have then been willing to showcase it to others around them.

A huge thank you from all staff goes to them; it certainly made for a very positive start to the week, with another great focus on our core business of teaching and learning and embedded ethos of supporting all students to achieve their true potential.

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