Combined HoH article
ASH – Mr Burley It has been a privilege to watch the students across Ash House build connections that cross the boundaries of year groups and their usual friendship groups...
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ASH – Mr Burley
It has been a privilege to watch the students across Ash House build connections that cross the boundaries of year groups and their usual friendship groups as part of the vertical tutoring system. Throughout the week, I have witnessed students grow in confidence and become more open with peers around them. It has also been great to see the support and encouragement that students in older year groups are extending to younger ones. I am particularly impressed with Stephan in 12A, who has worked well with younger students in group activities, and Ellen in 8A who grew in confidence to the extent that she was able to lead a group activity during character development time.
BEECH – Mrs Bragoli
What a great first week of vertical tutoring across the school. Beech House has had a range of learning curves thrown their way, the first and probably most nerve racking was spending time with students in ranging year groups. Beech students have shown a real interest in vertical tutoring as stated in the quotes below:
“I’ve never met the person I sit next to in form but I now know his name and ambitions. It’s a lovely chance to meet new people.”
“I’ve love the activities, they are so fun and engaging”
“I’ve enjoyed the experience of getting to know other year groups whilst involving myself in the tasks set by the Heads of House”
“As someone who doesn’t interact with people they don’t know it was a challenge for me, however once I got over the panic of it I really enjoyed myself.”
ELM – Mr Cox
The vertical tutoring seems to have been a positive experience for students in Elm. Speaking to Lacey in year 10, she informed me that “it was difficult at first with everyone having to learn new names and speak to each other but the older students eventually took charge and helped to make the younger students feel more welcome.”
I was proud to hear that this was the case as my own experience with my assigned group proved slightly different. I found that some teacher-led ice breakers were just the ticket to alleviate some of the nervousness. A good old fashioned “arrange yourselves in order of oldest to youngest” on Monday morning really helped break down some barriers and wake everyone up. By the end of the week though, everyone seemed a lot more at ease and we were even able to have a good laugh with one another.
MAPLE – Mr Burnell
The past couple of weeks has seen Maple House partake in vertical tutoring. Due to the global pandemic vertical tutoring has not been able to run for an extended period of time, but it’s really good to have it back. It gives the students across the school a completely different perspective of CDC time within their house system. For some it is a reminder of the previous years that they have experienced and for others it opens their eyes to what it is like to be in the older years at school. I personally think that this is invaluable for both the younger and older students. You see the older students enjoying the difficult task of being a role model, whilst you see the younger students trying to replicate the older students’ behaviour. From all of the different conversations that I have had with students in my house I can say that all years have really enjoyed the experience. There are a number of different skills and experiences that the students will take away from their vertical tutoring experience. One being that they now have friends in different years that they can turn to for advice and the other is having the ability to speak to people about how to achieve your life goals.
OAK – Miss Dolan
Vertical tutoring has been a great adventure for everyone involved these past two weeks! I remember the first time I had heard about the vertical tutoring event back in March 2020. This was during my first year of teaching at BMS and I was really excited for the opportunity to meet the wider community in our school. Of course due to the pandemic this event was cancelled and we’ve waited nearly 3 years to host this event; but it’s been worth the wait. I’ve thoroughly enjoyed taking part in this event and having the chance to meet and get to know even more members of our house. The topic of ‘Adventure’ has also been a catalyst for great debate and you can learn a lot about a person from what they would bring to a desert island! One of my favourite highlights of this time has been watching Obi (10O) be a caring and supportive older sibling to his brother Blake (7O). It’s always nice to have someone to check on you and have your back!
SYCAMORE – Mr Sylvester
Sycamore house students have relished the opportunity to engage with vertical tutoring. I have been pleased to hear from many Sycamore CDCs about what a success it has been and the array of eclectic discussions that have taken place. Notable highlights pointed out by Sycamore CDCs included the ‘Desert Island Survival’ and ‘Bear Grylls Quiz’. Well done to all Sycamore house students for your participation in those activities and all your ongoing efforts! You represent the house in a really positive manner. Sycamore Hall of Fame – A special shout out to the following students of whom have really embraced vertical tutoring; Natalie (9s), Ehra (9s), Kayden (8s), Rafi (10s), Kaushal (12s).
Willow House students have actively participated in all of the activities during the two weeks of vertical tutoring. These have ranged from escaping the jungle through solving maths problems, thinking what items you would take on a desert island and taking part in The Bear Grylls adventure, answering questions on places around the globe. As I went into CDC’s to see what was happening, Year 7 students told me that it was “great getting support from the older students, especially with some of the trickier questions !!”
Earlier in the year, the Heads of House worked together to put on the House Arts event which took place on Tuesday 26th November. We got to witness talented individuals from...
It has been a privilege to work alongside our excellent Heads of House this term and see first hand the major contribution that they make to our learning community, building on...